LA Engagement photography: Jackii & William
June 13th, 2013Jackii was my high school classmate and we had been best friends ever since then. From the moment I met William, I knew that they were a perfect fit. I love how William completely supporting Jackii’s idea no matter on planning the engagement or planning for their future life, and I had no doubt these two would be together for over 10 years and now ready for their new chaper in life.
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Los Angeles Newborn photographer: Angie W.
June 10th, 2013Welcome baby “Angie W.” into the world! She was perfect for the session, and thank you so much for helping through the session Titi & Willy!….you guys make the prefect family!!!
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June 9th, 2013A sneak peek of the engagement session I shot in La Puente over the past weekend. Jackii and William were a lot of fun to work with. Looking forward to their other engagement this coming weekend!
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June 6th, 2013A sneak peek of the newborn session I shot in Rowland Height, CA over the past week. Meeting Angie W. the new born from Titi & Willy.
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Yummy Saturday: Tom Hans Lighthouse Brunch
May 25th, 2013Sunday morning brunch is one of my favor thing in the world, especially go with the one that you care. I love this brunch from Tom Hans Lighthouse, long ago it was a actual light house, and now it becomes a very nice area for brunch.
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Movie: The Iron Man 3
May 23rd, 2013Finally got my chance to watch Iron Man 3 last night from AMC. Like the other two movies in this series, Robert Downey Jr. preformed a funny, smart, rich guys as every woman wants in their dreams, but this time he is also facing some personal problem – Anxiety. I like the idea of “Where my anxiety come from is all because of I got someone that I care of and I can’t live without, and that’s you!” And the idea of having his suits calibrated to him, it is not only that he believed the suit can protect him but also he wants to use the suit to protect the one that he cares the most!
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Yummy Saturday: Japanese Goyza
May 18th, 2013Dear friends and family,
It is Saturday! Time to share some good food with you. =) I found the following from a local Japanese market with $2.99 each and decided to have this for my dinner tonight. It’s super easy to make this Goyza. There is no need to put anything cooking oil, just heat up the pan and put all the dumping that you need, put 2 oz of water and leave for for 5 mins until you see the bottom of the dumpling turns into golden then it is time to put them on the table!
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